How does the Phase Linear 400 compare?

I have had one for many years and fire it up regularily and think it sounds very good.What are your thoughts? Rob
i bought a new pl400 back in 1973. cheapest power amp back then with 200 watts per chanell!!! 
What does this amp have in common with the pyramids? Its ancient history.
The famous Flame Linear amplifier was a cheap, dangerous, unreliable amplifier in its day and now it is just old and obsolete but one would probably be safe because if it was going to burn up it would probably have done so already!
The Carver line of amps were and still are amazing amplifiers.
the bursting into flame scenario, is and will always be a somewhat scham, did a few, yes, but most were great power amps.

 Carver is iconic, always will be.
hes is a true innovator, and amazing inventor.

 Phase linear were great amplifiers.
   Silver 7’s were wicked,
sunfire amps are amazing.  Aren’t most class H?
  I love the Sunfire 600 Sig, if I had the coin, I would get the Raven 350’s immediately!

 Majority of the Carver stuff is and still is great.

 Naysayers, be damned!

great stuff!!
phase linear needed 'protection' which it did'nt have. otherwise it could've been a great amp!!!