How does the Phase Linear 400 compare?

I have had one for many years and fire it up regularily and think it sounds very good.What are your thoughts? Rob
The famous Flame Linear amplifier was a cheap, dangerous, unreliable amplifier in its day and now it is just old and obsolete but one would probably be safe because if it was going to burn up it would probably have done so already!
The Carver line of amps were and still are amazing amplifiers.
the bursting into flame scenario, is and will always be a somewhat scham, did a few, yes, but most were great power amps.

 Carver is iconic, always will be.
hes is a true innovator, and amazing inventor.

 Phase linear were great amplifiers.
   Silver 7’s were wicked,
sunfire amps are amazing.  Aren’t most class H?
  I love the Sunfire 600 Sig, if I had the coin, I would get the Raven 350’s immediately!

 Majority of the Carver stuff is and still is great.

 Naysayers, be damned!

great stuff!!
phase linear needed 'protection' which it did'nt have. otherwise it could've been a great amp!!!
I have to laugh. I found my old Phase Linear 2000 preamp I purchased when I was in college for $236.  I saw the prices on eBay and said why no sell it, but I had to test it first.  Plugged it i and laughed at how good it sounded versus what we build.  I just to the top off to clone the dam thing - no tone controls or push button, etc, just volume and balance controls point to point wired with Audio Note resistors - I'll have to see what that can do. I may be selling them commercially next year if all goes well!

Happy Listening.
I'm glad i made it through the entire thread! I was about 14 when my older brother bought a Sony STR 6055 receiver (WOW, I guess a synapse just popped), a Sony turntable, and Infinity speakers, from Interior Systems - the only high end audio store in Vegas at the time, in the early 70's! My first taste in Hi Fidelity. When i got my drivers license I'd go there and drool over the high end equipment they carried. Crown Revox B&O Sony Yamaha Nakamichi ESS Infinity Magnepan B&W etc. When the sales guys would demo any equipment it always went through the PL400! My dream system was a PL400, Nakamichi Dragon cassette, B&O turntable, ESS amt1b speakers, and don't remember what pre amp. It took me over a decade to finally find and afford a pair of the ESS speakers and the Phase Linear amp (which I had rebuilt 2 yrs ago by a great Tech - He wouldn't touch it unless i agreed to add a DC protection circuit