Decent preamp

I didn't say good because I'm in the budget but what's a decent preamp I could buy to work with Aragon 2004 amp? I'm thinking tube but let me know your opinions. Was advised to stay away from emotiva and other factory direct brands but not sure if that's a valid opinion.
Agree with joey54, the AI 3 line stage preamp is tube, and will give you great sound in conjunction with a SS amp.  Had AI preamps for 24 years between a 2D and 3A.  If buying used gives you the willy's, buy one of AI's reconditioned ones that come up several times a year.  They are about $200-300 more, but the tubes, and innards will look and be much like new.

Hmm Van Alstine.. forgot about that brand. I'll take a look at those. Good suggestion. Proceed was a good one too. Thanks guys!
Vintage Conrad Johnson pv series pre..
sound great, built extremely well. Fun tube rolling as well. 
+1 to CJ. What you'll will be fairly old as their resale value is very high but there's a reason for that. 
Van alstine
conrad Johnson et 3 or 5
Way too many to list, a lot out there.

 Enjoy the ride!