Very basic subwoofer question

I'm thinking of adding a sub to my two-channel system, which has a pair of KEF LS-50 speakers, on Sound Anchor stands. I'm generally quite happy with things as they are, except for occasionally feeling that I'd like a bit more on the bottom end. I'm not looking for chest-thumping, room-shaking bass, but instead want to hear what's not there now. Like Paul Chambers on "Kind of Blue," who sometimes feels more hinted at than present. Or Phil Lesh on "Friend of the Devil" -- or myriad other Dead tunes -- whose bass playing also isn't quite fully there.
What I want is to hear more rather than feeling it.
Is what I'm hoping for realistic? Attainable?
I could detail my system, etc., but I'm not looking for specific suggestions about which sub, how many subs, etc. I'm just hoping to hear from someone who might be able to tell me if what I want is possible, at all.
Thanks very much.
-- Howard

Honestly, since you are talking about this being recording specific, it sounds like what you need are tone controls. Read more about getting the right bass for you here:
Sorry for having been unclear. I mentioned the recordings I did simply as examples, not to imply that all is generally fine -- except on those records. My bad.
The bass you get with multiple subs in a DBA is beautiful at revealing all the many differences between recordings. The concept itself is odd mostly because such an approach would never work with higher frequencies. Putting more speakers around the room would only muddle midrange and treble. There would be more volume, but less precision. With bass however there is more volume AND more precision! The character or quality of bass you can get with a DBA is simply impossible to achieve with any one sub. Find one, if you can, or build your own. You will see.
For 2-ch audio, a pair of subs is very much capable of achieving high quality bass....I was able to do so with a pair of REL’s. 
You can improve the bass with subs -- improve the sound overall with subs. What you do depends on your aspirations for the system.

In my desktop system, which has Harbeth P3ESR speakers (5" woofers), I added a used B&W ASW610, a 10" powered sub, and it improved the presentation a lot, in just the way you asked about.

As others have said, multiple subs are helpful in smoothing bass nodes and increasing the sense of ambiance. You might start with one, and if you like the result but want even more, get a second matching one to try. If you have room, 4 or more subs can smooth the bass even more.

Have fun!