Mid-Fi Integrated Amps?

So I'm slowly moving up the stereo food-chain and I am seeking suggestions. I purchased a pair of PSB Synchrony 1B speakers and a Sony xa5400ES CD player. I'm using an older Denon receiver that is my next piece to be replaced. I'm thinking an integrated amp in the 100-150 watts range or thereabouts to get the best out of my speakers. My budget is around $1500 and the contestants so far are an NAD C275bee, the Anthem 225, and the Cambridge 840A. Their are 2 Anthem dealers reasonably close, but neither has the 225 as a demo. The other two I've listened to, but not in my system yet. I'm looking for suggestions from those that have long-term listening with Synchrony speakers or other amps within my budget that I've overlooked. Thanks
This is from Stereophile measurements for PSB Synchrony One:

"The speaker's impedance magnitude remained below 4 ohms throughout the midrange (fig.1, solid trace), with minimum values of 2.6 ohms at 1160Hz and 2.65 ohms at 73Hz. Though the electrical phase angle is generally low within the audioband (fig.1, dashed trace), the combination of 4.1 ohms and –45° phase angle at 29Hz suggests that the PSB be used with a good amplifier rated at 4 ohms.”