Not much talk about Yamaha turntables.

I've been wanting to jump into the analog world for years, but for a lack of experience and/or knowledge about the equipment, I haven't. There's plenty of talk here about the big names in analog and I was surprised the other day browsing around somewhere that Yamaha has turntables.  Are these any good?  What do they compare to in terms of other more well-known analog names?  I'm not asking about their $8,000 models.  I will never be able to afford that.  I'm asking more about their sub $1k models.  

Chakster:  There you go, much better!!!! I'm not looking to build a reference TT.  First of all, I'm just getting into vinyl.  It's a whole new world for me.  I was reading about all the adjustments I might have to make and that's what turns me off, although I'm sure others live for this.   And secondly, I'm not looking to blow several grand.  I'm looking for a good, solid quality entry level unit.   I have no plans on upgrading whatever I decide on (that's what we all say).  So I want to get something decent and get it right the first time.  That's why I'm here, to get good solid opinions and advice.  
Had a PF-800 bought for $399 when TT's were considered dead. Sold some years later for $699. Bought a Linn. One item along w/selling a Forte 4A Class A amp I regret. 
I bought a Yamaha YP-D6 new back in the late 70s. Put it in a closet when I got my first CD player in ‘85. Fortunately I kept all my vinyl. Years later I got the old turntable out and spun some records. Couldn’t believe how good they sounded. Inspired me to upgrade to a Clearaudio Performance DC, and expand my vinyl collection. Still have the Yamaha table, it still works and sounds good, but doesn’t compare to the Clearaudio.
I agree, Technics just came out with the 1200mk7.

Get that! It’s under 1k and it’s the original...all around better than the Pioneer and you won’t feel the need to upgrade too soon with a table like that. You won’t regret it.