Is there such a thing as too much power?

   I downgraded power from 300 watts per ch to 70 and I like the sound better! I always thought more power is a good thing, but could that be wrong?

Please enlighten me...
IF the output of the higher efficiency speaker isn’t the cone flopping around out of phase, the cabinet adding it’s “ lone one note song “, breakup , etc
I’ve learned my lesson, no class “D”ull
will ever power my audio systems.
 Some love it, swear by it, my experience has always been it just sounds lifeless, monotone in a way?

  “Power........   UNLIMITED........POWER!”
Theres a lot more to an amp than watts.  I just recently purchased a Linear Tube Audio ZOTL 10 Mk2 and paired it with a Don Sachs pre.  I was a bit leary about 12 watts, but it is an amazing sounding piece and seems to have all kinds of headroom.  It's a keeper.

Regarding Class D, that was my impression too of several such amps I've heard, but, that seems to be the case with most other solid state amps.  The old adages of solid state sounding grainy don't apply any more, for me it is lifelessness which makes one try to counteract that sense by pumping up the volume.  I like listening at more modest levels, which is why I go with tubes.