Favorite CD treatments?

What kinds of CD treatments (if any) do folks use? Magic pens, snandpaper, polishes, etc.
I second the Herbie's Audio Mat. Other than having to keep it clean (not too difficult really), the only downside I've experienced is forgetting to peel it off after playing the CD. More than once the Herbie's Mat has disappeared into the gaping maw of my CD collection and it can take some effort to remember which disk it may have been left on, especially if I don't miss it for a few days.
I use Kleenmaster Brillianize to clean CD's. Just spray on and wipe off with a microfiber cloth. Leaves no residue and sounds better. Much less expensive than audiophile cleaners/treatments. Most hardware stores carry it.
My Empirical Audio music player with an outboard optical drive and sophisticated programing has made treatment inaudible on playback from my hard drive.