Luxman dealers

I am interested in a Luxman integrated amp. Obviously dealing online is peferable given current situations. Who are some of the Luxman dealers in the East Coast? Actually it doesn't matter which coast, as long as reliable dealership.
almarg is completely correct. All of the online purchases I have made in the last few months from out of state sellers have added in the sales tax of 8%, the sales tax in New York where I live.
And Jetter..........I have always thought that sales tax should only be paid the first time any piece of gear is sold. Example....In New York if a car is bought from a dealer or a private seller, sales tax will be charged no matter how many times the car is bought and sold. Sad.

Try finding a dealer in Oregon - I'm pretty sure you they won't charge you tax.  Now whether its your respoonsbility to report that is a different question, different forum.
Via discogs, I end up paying tax on shipping from half the way accross the world. If there should even be any tax on that, shouldn’t it be only on the portion of the trip from the border to me and not from wherever to the borde, toor? Not to mention that items sometimes stop at different countries before coming to me.

Not what OP asked about, though.

I had less than successful experience from the dealer close to the distributor’s address. They never even returned my call, after I asked when can I come to pick the thing up. I gave up on waiting and bought it from a dealer hundreds of miles away. I do not remember the name of that unsuccessful transaction dealer, but would stay away not to waste time.
If your going to purchase online then try music direct.  A great luxman dealer.  
contact John Pravel North American Sales -

Happy Listening.