Fitz Carrera BE

    Mr. John Heiler, aka Fritz, could quite possibly be one of the most underrated speaker designers out there today.  From what I gather, he is driven by a passion for designing speakers that convey musical emotion and that are in turn fun and engaging to listen to.  Like many outstanding products of our era, Fritz’s speakers are envisioned, designed, refined and implemented by a single person.

    Fritz has what I would describe as a healthy obsession for knowledge of high end drivers from Seas, Scan Speak, and SB Acoustics just to name a few.  I prefer Fritz’s design approach of implementing drivers that play well together with regards to frequency response and impedance curves.  Fritz strives to keep the signal path as pure as possible which becomes audibly apparent in the clarity and openness with which the Carrera BE’s serve up.  

    Which brings me to the Carrera BE.  Right from the first song, I was very impressed with the natural and organic music emanating from the 7” Scan Speak Revelators. The Revelator has a nice warm, full bodied, natural and organic sound that digs really deep without ever sounding bloated.  Stand up bass, bass guitars and synthetic bass lines are all well delineated and easily defined.  The low end has substantial weight and heft with good punch.  Pair this warm, natural sounding Revelator with a light, airy and delicate sounding Transducer Labs Beryllium tweeter and the music becomes intoxicating.

    I could not detect whatsoever, where the midbass driver handed off duties to the tweeter.  Fritz informed me that this is due in large part to the design of his series crossovers.  A large part of the appeal of these speakers for me is how cohesive the sound is.  In addition, the Carrera BE’s produce a rock solid image with vocals and instruments almost seemingly anchored in place.  On a few recordings, vocals were so eerily real, holographic and fleshed out that I was right there with the performer, in their acoustical space.  The imaging is spot on with no unnatural artifacts present.  The micro detail produced is outstanding, allowing me to easily pick up on ambient and spatial cues.  The attack was perhaps slightly rounded which leads itself to an easy, silky smooth listening experience.  The decay however, went on for days.  I actually can’t explain how the Carreras make decay go on and on,  yet at the same time go absolutely silent before the next musical note burts into life.  The Carreras sound fantastic at low and medium volume levels.  At high volume levels they sound so incredibly delicious and engaging that you may find yourself being swept away and transported to the front row, center seat at your favorite live performances.  

    I’ve been blessed to have had experienced many great hi fidelity systems over the years and I can honestly say to you that the Carrera BE’s are some of the most musical speakers I have ever heard.  Most times I listened to them, they lured me in and took me away on a musical journey.  The Carrera BE’s have a comforting, soothing, rich quality to their sound which is extremely satisfying.  They convey emotion so well that the music really pulls at your heart strings.  It’s addictive to say the least.  I spent many nights doing the “just one more song” routine until 2 a.m.  

    Well recorded songs really shine through on the Carreras.  Vocals are well fleshed out and pristine sounding with great detail and absolutely no veil between you and the artist.  Drums, acoustic guitar, violin, cello, piano... it all sounded quite real, which is to say tonally rich, textured, and full bodied.  The clarity and openness of the Carreras allow you to easily hear the underlying tones and nuances in the music that convey emotion so well.  The Carreras pretty much do everything well, some things exceptionally well, all the while doing absolutely nothing offensive in my opinion.  

    So what then sets the Carreras apart from other great speakers that I’ve heard?  I’d have to say that the Carrera BE’s  have one of the best combinations of musicality, imaging, warmth, detail, clarity, openness and fun factor that I’ve heard coming from a two way stand mounted speaker.  If you are in the market for a high end, high quality stand mounted speaker, I highly recommend the Carrera BE’s.

Excellent review. In a world of mass production, dealer markups, advertising and marketing fluff (which adds plenty to the cost), and overly-precious boutique products, Fritz offers *exceptional* value.

I've been listening to the Carbon 7s and will post some reactions soon. Much of what you've said describes my experience. More to come and thanks for your careful review.
Thank you Erik and Hilde45! 
Erik, you are the one who got me initially interested in Fritz speakers so I appreciate that you brought him to my attention. Fritz spoke kindly of you when I mentioned to him that you piqued my interest. I’ve been heavily researching speaker kits and top quality drivers due to your recommendations and it gave me a more solid foundation and outlook regarding speakers. When I start doing the math and trying to figure out the cost for me to duplicate the Carreras myself, it just doesn’t make sense. Fritz must be doing this because he’s passionate about it, not because he’s trying to get rich.

@hilde45, I appreciate your comments; Thank You! Its refreshing to see you and Erik regularly contributing positivity to Audiogon with helpful threads, questions, and personal experiences. It makes Audiogon a fun and informative resource with which to apply to our own set-ups to further improve our sound and satisfaction within our own systems.

There were quite a few things that I omitted from my original review in the hopes of not sounding hyperbolic. The Carreras were exceptionally good but you have to be critical of them and try to pick them apart in order to realize their greatness. I was doing my best to touch on points that I think will be shared by many different listeners with modest front ends. I’m almost certain that there was quite a bit of untapped potential that I wasn’t able to unlock because of my modest front end. I would love to hear these Carreras on an entire Jeff Rowland front end, as well as a front end using tube amplifiers, a top quality pre, and vinyl or reel to reel source. But that was part of the appeal of the Carreras; they don’t require you to have $20,000 worth of front end equipment to achieve world class performance like many other high end speakers out there.

Also, Fritz is a genuinely nice, caring, thoughtful and humble person. Paul Laudati kept coming to mind while I was conversing with Fritz, and that is in my book very high praise indeed.

Lastly, after spending so much time and effort trying to get out a solid, informative review, I totally blew the spelling in my title. “Fitz” should read “Fritz”. Perhaps it was a Freudian slip because I’m going to be throwing “Fitz” when I have to pack these speakers up so they can go to their new, permanent home.

If anyone wants to see pictures of the Carreras that I had in for review, heres the link!
Fritz spoke kindly of you when I mentioned to him that you piqued my interest.

Well, that sounds suspicious as hell. ;-)

I love those listening room photos! And I am bummed I won't hear the Carreras! C'est la vie. (If this is the worst that happens to me.)

And now I know that Erik is a good guy. Just when my plot against him was gaining some real intellectual mettle...
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