My digital front end consists of a 47 labs Flatfish mk2 -> Apogee Digital BigBen (clock) -> Zanden 5000 mk3 dac. All is connected using Siltech G6 Golden Ridge digital wire.
I have no desire to look for a new digital front end. For Redbook CDs, this setup for me really stands out. There is a 'flow' of music that most digital front ends are missing. Hard to describe, but you know it when you hear it.
I have not listened to the EMM labs gear. I'm sure thats first rate as well.
I have no desire to look for a new digital front end. For Redbook CDs, this setup for me really stands out. There is a 'flow' of music that most digital front ends are missing. Hard to describe, but you know it when you hear it.
I have not listened to the EMM labs gear. I'm sure thats first rate as well.