Garrott vs Soundsmith

I've been thinking about a new cart.Soundsmith Carmen 2Garrott Brothers p77i or Optim FGS
Let the opinions fly
Never heard a Garrott. If I were going to spend $1K , the $50  looks would be the buzz kill for me. Trivial but that much dough it better look good.
What is it...a tweaked MM design?

If you go S.S., just make sure you're getting the latest iteration-DEMS 
Advantage of the SS is they're domestic. If you crash it-reasonable cost to repair it and even upgrade the stylus if you desire.

Try and up your game to the Zephyr. Also, if your phonostage  has 55-60 db of gain, consider the Audio Technica ART 9($1K)

Plenty of positive reviews on the ART9.
ttocs1269  It's Australian brand with long history, Garrott brothers are legendary re-tippers for Decca and Koetsu owners. Their own cartridges are MM (Dynamic Coil) with very nice warm sound, advanced stylus profile (user replaceable). 

Garrott P77i is just $450 in American money. 

The P77i is more than enough to realize what is Garrott Brothers dynamic coil sound. 

P.S. You're expecting everyone on here knows what is Garrott, but as you can see people never heard about it. Some people can only recommend what's in the shops in America.  

Thanks for the Garrott post. Good read. I have 2 Garrott Bros Deccas. Superb.

Dear chakster, I first thought that this story was written by Reto 
Andreoli, the third  (youngest) brother. At the age of 15 and
speaking only German he went to Australia with the intention to learn
the art from the masters. He was accepted and learned the trade
very fast. He was as passionate cartridges lover as you are .
After their tragic dead he returned to Switzerland and started his
own ''one man' company. He become known with his exclusive
cartridges among which the Magic Dimond. But he also produce
amps, pre-amps , etc. all done by himself . He also wrote some
articles in HIFI Magazine explaining his approach to analog 
reproduction. I am not aware if he published anything in English
but if you read German I will post his writing to you.
''Our own'' Dover can probably explain more technical stuff about
Andreoli as well his ''theoretical'' opinions. He owns , if I remember
well , his pre-amp. 
I'm a fan of the Garrott P77i as well. I bought one a couple of years ago, and it is excellent. My first Garrott cartridge was in in 1981, when the Brothers modified my Decca Gold. I still have that with the original paperwork.