Looking for amp reccomendation

I currently have an NAD Home Theater 7 channel amp with Persona B Speakers as main. I would like to purchase a used Class A or A/B solid state amp for around 3K, used give or take a few dollars for two channel listening.

Do you think I would really notice the difference in sound when listening to two channel stereo with a class A amp versus two channel set up on my Home Theater?

Suggestions for amps? Thanks in advance.  Sorry about spelling recommendation.  Couldn't edit.
Keep watching the used section here!
many amazing amps show up.

pantience! Patience!!

 Pass class a would be amazing.

 Enjoy the hunt!
Difficult issue !  Most true Class A amps are low power. Less than 50 W. The High power Class A amps are also very high priced. Even a previously owned one. Then there is the issue of tubes vs. solid state or even a hybrid. 
I'm not clear on what your intention is as far a speakers is concerned. Are you planning on re-configuring the Personas to use with the two channel system.? Basically, there are a lot of things to consider here, all of which would have a significant effect on the outcome of the project. Also, it's almost impossible to audition something on the used market. Building a new 2 channel system; - - -  I would have to say that there are many fine amps on the market that could be candidates, including the SCHIIT amps and pre-amps. Excellent reproduction capabilities for a small amount of money, and you wouldn't have to fool around with someone else's previously owned discards. Make certain what loudspeakers you intend to use and pay careful attention to how they might sound driven by different amp technology. Then of course there are speaker cables and interconnects to consider. I have found that the average audiophile ends up going around in circles for great periods of time trying to solve the mystery of matching components, and stay within budget restrictions. Also, I am not certain that simply going to a pure class A amp will yield any significant "magic" without other system elements fine tuned. I'd also look at good class A/B amps.
Many HQ amps will,play class A then transition to A/AB.  

 MANY ARE very good!
If I'm not mistaken, the NAD 7 channel HT amps are based on nCore amps? Good stuff.

If you want to try something else, I absolutely would not suggest Pass as the only brand you should listen to.

The triad I normally suggest in solid state is Luxman, Pass, Ayre.

I feel, perhaps not always true, that to like Pass you have to come from tube gear. If you are coming from clean class-D you may in fact find it off putting, as I do, so listen to these three as alternatives.

You should also consider Parasound A series amps, but I feel you'll probably feel them equivalent to what you have, and therefore not worth the trade.


Thanks all for your responses.  Right now I use the NAD T777 ver 3. I don't think it uses Ncore in this version.  I was interested in brands, so brand suggestions were good.  Many on this site tout the great sound of a class A amp and I wanted to try one, but I didn't want to spend the money if the sound did not have a noticeable change.

I have listened to the Para Sound, and you are correct that the sound was similar to what I have now.  There aren't many dealers here, so I can't listen either.  Tough to spend a lot of money without hearing the equipment first.  I guess my final thought is I had heard great things about class A amps and wanted to try one.

I appreciate the suggestions on brand names.  I really wanted some names of amps you have tried and were satisfied with.  My thoughts were Pass, Mark Levinson and Luxman.  Thanks guys!