Power Conditioners

I have about $5,000 invested in  a 2 channel stereo setup. Marantz PM7000N integrated receiver, Canton Chrono SL596 speakers, Rega P6 table, blue jeans Canare 4S11 cables. Is it worth it to buy a cheap power conditioner/protector like this  https://www.musicdirect.com/power/furman-pst-8-d-digital-power-station or this  https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/power-conditioners/products/pangea-quattro-power-center

Will I be able to hear a difference/is my equipment sensitive enough to notice a difference; or will a typical surge protector suffice? Otherwise, will it be a waste of money to spend money on a low priced conditioner?

I purchased the Audioquest Powerquest 2 at my dealer's recommendation. I was returning a $1,000+ power conditioner I had been demoing and decided against buying. 
I was thinking there was no way in the world a $199 unit would work. But it did. There was a significant improvement in the sound.
I would suspect the results differ based on how revealing your system is.
But, I immediately recommended it to several friends.
Order one from Amazon and you can return it if you'd don't hear a difference.
Having lived in large cities through out most of my life I’ve noticed a large change with noisy AC having moved to a small community.

I’ve spent lots of money over the decades on conditioning , regeneration and what have you and was never content for long always looking to tweek and upgrade something.
Currently we live in a small community and I’m much more content with my system then I can ever remember though I use Synergistic conditioner and Ac cords through out a further drop in the noise floor was immediately noticed something that wasn’t so evident living in a city .

ecrotty if you live in a large city try out regenerator and transformer base conditioner if you can. 

Even expensive Power conditioners did not make sound better.  Actually my Pass Labs mono blocks  did not like them. 
I'm rural, and my area is subjected to power spikes, dips and outages.  Some years ago I bought a Belkin PF60 (https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-belkin-pure-av-silver-series-pf-60-ac-filter) for the surge protection, not any power "conditioning" designed to make my system sound better. 

After some time, I noticed I was getting a very faint, low-level hum/buzz at system idle with no audio or video signal passing through the system, and eventually figured out that my cable box hadn't been routed through the Belkin's "Cable TV In/Out" connections (my system doubles as HT/2-channel).  It was just HDMI-connected to the A/V receiver.  Re-routing through the Belkin eliminated the background buzz without any noticeable change to any video/audio signals.

Like you where I dwell the power is poor.

First off a whole house surge protecter was installed when after a brown out knocked out all the AC unites and the septic pump failed. Good times in a California valley summer. Several others have counseled this. Hint. Hint.

If I could have replaced interior electrical lines I would have. Everything thing from the wall socket out was done. Socket, power cord to power conditioner, and power cord to amplifier were all part of it.

+1 on twoleftears. An inexpensive power strip isn’t going to cut it.