Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
I have been doing this since the 80's Conrad Johnson Premiere  2 with Adcom GFA 555. loved it. It really stepped up the dynamics of the Adcom. Audio Research LS2B with Krell KSA 100s. Softened up the Slam in your face of the Krell. Today still Audio Research LS 27 with ARC DS 450. CJ or ARC tube preamps work well with Your Parasound. 
I'm sort of at the opposite end. 
I have a solid state preamp and tube amp(s). I use multiples of subwoofers and I don't think tube preamps are up to that challenge.

I have a Luxman Cl38U SE w/a Bryston 2.5 SST2 powering a pair of Aerial 5T's. Gives me a nice detailed top end. Eliminates some of the harshness from streaming music.
I have a BLUESOUND Vault >MFA MAGUS A2 TUBE PREAMPLIFIER > MIetner MTR101 solid state  MONOBLOCKS > BOZAK URBAN Speakers; I got these used via Facebook Marketplace and was lucky to have experienced and friendly sellers and I was given good advice by them. I ended with this  setup that is fantastic! I want to add a higher end streamer DAC turntable but not until my budget allows and if it doesn’t allow I am fine as is. 
Pairing tube preamps with various SS amps, Parasound, Pass Labs, FirstWatt is a common and recurring thread here on Agon.

Even Nelson Pass put together a DIY Nutube flat tube preamp design to pair along with his own SS FirstWatt amplifiers. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Increasing trend since streaming of music has become more popular to help take the "edge’ off...


Pass Labs:

Nutube DIY: