If 90% of all audio system and probably more, are not rightly embedded in their three dimensions : mechanical, electrical, and acoustical, how is it possible to perceive subtle or less subtle qualitative changes?
How to rightly qualify them positive or negative changes?
How to judge if a cable or 2 cables are always better or always detrimental for the same speakers?
It is impossible.... Why people then give judgements?
Because they dont have a clue about the rightful controls necessary for making the best of their own system...
I know that because I was like that 3 years ago …. :)
If you ask me how do we know if our system is right? I will answer that one clue is that the idea to upgrade anything appear suddenly like a total waste of money....The other clue is when you dont perceive any speakers at all in the room... The last clue is when you clearly distinguish all accurate timbre of each instrument in an orchestra....And perhaps when it is impossible to change any files or any cd just playing now because it is too much beautiful, you are right there....
How to rightly qualify them positive or negative changes?
How to judge if a cable or 2 cables are always better or always detrimental for the same speakers?
It is impossible.... Why people then give judgements?
Because they dont have a clue about the rightful controls necessary for making the best of their own system...
I know that because I was like that 3 years ago …. :)
If you ask me how do we know if our system is right? I will answer that one clue is that the idea to upgrade anything appear suddenly like a total waste of money....The other clue is when you dont perceive any speakers at all in the room... The last clue is when you clearly distinguish all accurate timbre of each instrument in an orchestra....And perhaps when it is impossible to change any files or any cd just playing now because it is too much beautiful, you are right there....