Lamm pre amp

Any pre amps that have remote control and use high quality attenuators that has same tonal richness as the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe?

I can come up with one like cj ET7se S2. Any other recommendations?
If you want tube rectification you could go for a Jadis JP 80 or 200 (both of which I have owned in the past), but I do not believe they have a remote.  .
Used to own the VAC, Smooth warm sound and eventually got bored of it. Moved to an Atma-Sphere Mp-1 and instantly knew I was missing out on so much more Dynamics, transparency, speed, timing etc etc etc. Never Regretted it. 
That's interesting phantom_av. You never hear a comparison between those 2 brands, and VAC is so well respected.
I currently own both the Allnic L-1500 and the Don Sachs DS-2 feel free to pm me for my impressions. I enjoy them both and currently have the DS driving a small tube system in my office and the Allnic on my main system

i will say this; the Allnic is killer for the price, very well built, metal remote, great channel balance, the output transformers are really something special that provide big soundstage and dead on center image...can be purchased with the L-7000 out put transformers that step things up a bit more
