What do you think causes the crackle and clicks we hear?

I think pops are easier to understand but clicks and crackle noises, what causes this?
Will someone kindly provide a link for the  "Atmasphere phono overload" thread, I'm unable to find the relating thread.
Many thanks, Anthony
I'll take crackles and clicks over what I term "buzzy farts" - you know, the annoying *BRZZZT" noise you occasionally hear on some LPs.  Never could figure out the cause.
I believe Atmasphere draws a link between how audible and annoying they are with phono stage overload characteristics.

When really its a function of moving mass and resonance.

@onhwy61 , That’s my understanding too. Furthermore, I agree with Ralph that it’s one of the main causes, but I find that the cleanliness of the surface matters too. Perhaps that’s because I play a lot of old, used records. I use 80KHz US to clean, and get better results thereby.

Atmasphere has a powerful record of being right on this forum. He’s also a prominent expert and manufacturer who is generous with his advice and always civil, unlike some hereabouts.