What cable is best?

I’m currently using DH Lab Redwave cables with Furutech FI-50 connectors. I am getting DH Labs Corona cables with Watgate Blue Dot gold connectors. Which cables would be better? The DH Lab Redwave with the better connectors or the better Corona DH Lab cable with the lesser quality but still decent Watgate Blue Dot gold connectors?
Which cables would be better? The DH Lab Redwave with the better connectors or the better Corona DH Lab cable with the lesser quality but still decent Watgate Blue Dot gold connectors?

That cable is best which sounds the best.
What? You think its all about connectors? Beware the narrative.
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The Corona is wound in a counter-spiral. No mention of that with the Red Wave cord.
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Well you'll have both cords in house to why not compare and tell us? Some folks think the connectors matter more others the wire. Unless you want to get multiple versions of the same cable with different connectors don't worry about it just pick what sounds best to you.