What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?

Most of the time I hear music at a low volume (wifey, apartment, ....). 

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers, but in my market scanning I would like to understand, if there are certain “metrics” to look for, before I start going to stores for listening. 

Any advice? 

I think good speakers sound equally well at all volumes. At least, this is what I observe with my Thiel CS6 and CS3.6 ones. I can hear the same deepness and resolution at a low volume as at a high volume (given that the recording quality is good) from any angle including from the back of the speakers. I would not believe that a speaker with other behavior reproduces naturally enough a good quality recording. Loudness, tone and other artificial tools I think are extreme and non-efficient.

I had experienced lately a Luxman 590AXII with the Magico A1. Near field like one meter.
To my surprise heaven.

Its actually the ear’s that work less well at low volumes with extreme hi and low frequencies in particular.


Tone and loudness controls used to be provided in a lot of gear to make the needed adjustment for low volume.

Brighter speakers and/or speakers with tipped up bass  inherently sound better at low volumes. Also speakers with adjustable powered subwoofers.

1994-1996 era BIC Venturi v-62
with Venturi port!

 Best bookshelf,speaker ever heard!

 Bass low, tight, mids are there, and highs are crystal.