Thanks, everyone! So many variables. Sadly, DACs like the DA2 are well beyond my budget. Some of the cables mentioned are rather daunting in themselves. If the N10 can't be properly appreciated without $5K cables and $25K DACs, I'll need to lower my sights and head back to the bargain bin. Really appreciate your sharing of much useful information that I would never have learned without asking the veterans.
Aurender N10
From mfr product puff: "[Aurender]
N10’s AES/EBU, BNC, Coaxial, and Optical outputs provide a superior musical presentation. As opposed to an asynchonous USB connection, where the DAC pulls packets of information from the player, N10’s SPDIF and AES/EBU audio outputs push signal out to the DAC at intervals defined by the on-board OCXO clock. With a clock this precise, trust us, you want to use it!"
Anyone have a basis to agree or disagree?
Anyone have a basis to agree or disagree?
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- 18 posts total
“If the N10 can't be properly appreciated without $5K cables and $25K DACs, I'll need to lower my sights and head back to the bargain bin.” @hickamore, No one said that N10 cannot be appreciated with lower priced DAC’s or cables. You came out here asking for a validation on manufacturer claim about its SPDIF / AES output superiority over USB and that’s exactly you heard from users that are intimately familiar with its strengths. Let me ask you a straightforward question, if were you pursue this player, what DAC you had in mind to pair with N10? |
@hickamore, Sorry, I do not understand. Your original question was about SPDIF and AES/EBU connections vs. using an USB connection. I answered your question and said, in my opinion, I felt that an AES/EBU connection sounded better than a USB connection. This was based on my listening experience. I never mentioned $5,000 cables or a $25,000 DAC are required to enjoy the Aurender N10. I do not believe that anyone else said you had to spend that much to enjoy the N10. I have since upgraded but the first DAC I used with my N10 was the Ayre Codex DAC priced at $1,795. It sounded terrific. As I stated, I highly recommend the Aurender N10 and that super expensive cables, DAC's, etc. are NOT required to enjoy the musically of this wonderful music server. I hope this convinces you to audition the Aurender N10 Music Server. |
Ah, thanks. You certainly did answer my original question and I'm grateful for it. latik, I was thinking of the Schiit Yggdrasil or something non-upsampling under $5k. hgeifman, if a less esoteric DAC and cables will allow the Nten (this kb has lost its "one" key) to show its stuff, then I'm all in. So now the obvious question for those willing to answer is, apart from the Ayre, what other DACs under $5K would mate well with the Aurender? |
There are many DAC's priced under $5,000 that will work with the Aurender N10. For example, one suggestion is the Bricasti M3 DAC. Please see: I like my M3 DAC very much and highly recommend you consider the Bricasti M3 DAC. The addition of the Bricasti M3 DAC substantially improved the sound quality of this system. Bricasti is a USA Company located in Shirley, MA. Their customer service is excellent and their products are outstanding. I am sure that others on this forum will recommend other DAC's priced under $5,000 for you to consider. |
- 18 posts total