No Sub-Mojo

I have an Accuphase E-202 integrated amp that I'd like to use with a subwoofer since it has preamp/main out outputs. I tried to connect to a sub a few months ago, but was not able to get a signal to activate the sub. Anyone out there who has an E-202 and is using it with a sub? This is confusing to me, because I also have a Pioneer Spec-1 preamp that I'm using the preamp outputs to drive a sub, and that works beautifully.
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No. "Steenking" is east-coast, "Stinkeen" is west-cost. I lived in ’Vegas for 13 years so I know.
There is no switch on the E-202 and the manual is of no help because subwoofers didn't exist at the time. The manual does address using a separate amp (which I realize the subwoofer actually is in this case), but the signal did not appear to be going to the sub. My repair tech said that using the preamp outputs would automatically disconnect the amplifier section, but I don't agree with that because when I did connect the sub, the unit continued to work as normal, other than no output to the sub. The amp has been out of circulation for several months due to my having the barrier strips for the speaker outputs replaced with binding posts and I want to get this issue with the sub resolved before hooking it back up.
I was wrong in stating there is no switch for normal/separate operation on the amp. When I hooked the sub up, I left the switch in the 'normal' position.