Next upgrade for my analog source

Hi all! hope I can get some opinions on the next upgrade step for my analog source.

Currently am using Rega P6 TT with Nagaoka MP 200 (MM) cartridge, and the EAR 834P fonostage.

Preamp and amp are using Lumley Reference Amplifier (Tube KT88) and going to PMC 20.24 speakers. 

So am thinking of either:
1. upgrading the fonostage to the new PS audio Stellar phono (getting rave reviews)
2. upgrading the cartridge to MC type (maybe Lyra Delos?)
3. upgarding the TT itself (not sure what to get in the $2k-$2.5k range)

I mostly listen to classical (violin, orchestra) and jazz on my analog source.

Thanks for any inputs!
If you really want to upgrade buy entirely new/different cartridge, for the price of MP500 there are many alternatives. If you like nagaoka you can just upgrade stylus, not cartridge. 

But if you want something different it's about new cartridge from different designer and with different presentation. 

Thanks for all the inputs! Greatly appreciated.

my rega p6 tt does not have a separate ground line and the fono cable is not replaceable. Would this negate any benefits if i upgrade to higher priced cartridges?
Jperry, that is true and it is an extremely easy thing to disconnect chassis ground from the signal wires. With a warm soldering Iron it might take me 10 minutes. It is unfortunate that something like this should scare an audiophile. To disregard what might be the absolute best value in a phono amp for that reason is rather silly. IMHO the minimum audiophile kit is a set of small screwdrivers,  set of metric Allen wrenches. small diagonal cutters, small needle nose pliers a soldering iron and some solder. Shrink wrap of various sizes is a nice add on.  Not having this is like a cyclist who can't work on his bike so for every little adjustment he has to go back to the bike store? Helpless. 
Maybe he doesn’t want to screw around with it, I wouldn’t.

By the way, did you hear the phono preamp you were touting, or just read the review?

Have a great day.

I hope it came through that one absolutely cannot use a current Drive phono stage with a moving magnet cartridge. Only a select few moving coil cartridges that have particularly low internal resistance and low voltage output can be used advantageously with a current Drive phono  stage. So if you upgrade to a current drive phono  stage, de facto you will have to get a new cartridge.