Fleetwood Mac

Saw an interview the other day on CNN with Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, and Christine McVie. Apparently they're getting back together for a tour (someone ran out of money?). The CNN crawl read "the original Fleetwood Mac back together. Seems they don't remember there was Peter Green, Danny Kirwan, and John McVie. How quickly they forget. I suppose there's a generation who only knows the "Rumours" era Mac. To me there were 3 Macs-the Green and Kirwan Mac, the Bob Welch Mac, and the group mentioned above.
Hi there peoples,I just heard a album from peter green,in the skies.I would like to hear some more of his,if you could recommend please.
Hey Misternice. Do you have the early Fleetwood Mac recordings with him in the band? Original Fleetwood Mac, Mr. Wonderful and English Rose are a little uneven but worthwhile. There's some overlap in content between Mr. Wonderful and English Rose (one US release, the other UK - if I recall correctly. Certain someone will step in to correct me if that's muddled). I especially like, Then Play On. There's no denying the guitar playing prowess of early Fleetwood Mac with Green, Jeremy Spencer and, a bit later, Danny Kirwan.

Interest in Peter Green's music will be rewarded. Wikipedia has a separate entry for his solo discography (just Google, 'Wikipedia Peter Green Discography'). Also check out Discogs, 'Peter Green(2)'. There's another Peter Green listed. The blues guitarist in discussion here is listed as Peter Green (2). Samples usually available at Discogs and Amazon, of course.

English Rose is a single disc compilation and highly recommended IMO. You'll get a good taste of Green's style and a couple of highlights from Jeremy Spencer (especially Evenin' Boogie, a fantastic slide guitar workout) and Danny Kirwan (especially Something Inside of Me, a fierce blues rocker). The handful of Green tracks include the radio hits Black Magic Woman and Albatross.

If you want a broader sampling, I'd recommend Men of The World, a three disc compilation of Mac's early years. Lots of Green and a better sampling of Kirwan, too.

The first, self-titled FM album is a great set of blues rockers and Then Play On is a fantastic experimental blues rock album. Both of these show off Green at his best.

As to Green's solo material, it's pretty spotty. The songwriting just isn't as consistent and Skies (the one you already own) is probably the best of the lot IMO. In many cases, the songs aren't written by Peter Green and they just don't do the trick for me. The guitar playing is erratic, too, unfocused stretches followed by terrific moments.

BTW, Green's first solo record "The End of The Game" is really polarizing. One long jam that some find mesmerizing and others find infuriating. I love Peter, but I'm usually in the latter camp.

Good Luck.
Martyk1 - appreciate the breadth of your music knowledge. Enjoy your music comments and typically (especially in contentious threads) find myself agreeing with you. As I've commented before, seems like we have similar tastes.

Thanx for the kind words and back atcha. Debating those with divergent opinions can be fun, but I always find it even more rewarding to discover a kindred spirit on the board.