Best Cd Player under $100,000

opinions are appreciated. new or used, looking for a cd player that won't break the bank (unless you're not a multi, multi millionaire)
I guess your bank is more generous than my bank. Not only would a $100,000 CD player break my bank, but my wife would divorce me and friends and family would likely have me committed! Now if you're talking $90K I could probably eek by! They'd still send me to the loony bin though!

Hmmm...under $100K?...I wouldn't bother..everything is junk in that range...unless you have some of those new transuranium wafers that selectively absorb all bad things and only let the clean transparent signal eek through.
The $98,000 CDP-X is OK but its not in the same class as the big boys. The $150,000 CDP-Y and the $180,000 CDP-Z absolutely smoke it and blow it away. Both are highly recommended!