Has Anyone Placed Power Conditioner On Its Face with the Power Outlets Facing Up?

Will it hurt to place the EquiCore Power conditioner on its face with the power outlets facing up? I don't have room on my rack for it but concerned about the transformer weight causing problems. Wally (Underwood) says it would be alright.  I'm curious if anyone has done this and the problems or lack thereof. Thanks
Don’t think it matters.  Keep cords separated, and hear for electrical issues

 mess w cords, rca’s, power cords, CD player, 

I use a Furman line conditioner, and a monster me in 2nd system, monster one is poor quality, tweeter static, etc!

mess w it til u get the sound u want!
replacemcords, rca’s, from CD player, preamp, amps, etc!

 Tinkering is key
If it can survive shipping where it is violently thrown around, it will survive being gently placed on its side. 

Can you elaborate about the laminations?

I'm concerned that the heavy transformer will vibrate. I suspect they have ssome kind of damping to keep vibrationat a minimum when resting on its botttom. But what happens when that weight is suspended  from the  cabinet. Then too, IIUC, Eric is saying that the lamination may be problematic

I have talked to Wally. he says it should work. But I suspect this is as much guess as anything. No disrespect meant.


If it can survive shipping where it is violently thrown around, it will survive being gently placed on its side.
May be the best answer yet.