How much $ in used gear streaming to beat $5000 CD player

I have a Exemplar Audio modded 105 Oppo tube cd payer and have no experience with computer audio. All CD and records. What would it take to equal, come close or beat my CD player or any other in Exemplars class or category. Everything will be bought used. If you had to pick gear on Audiogon to match it what would it cost you.? If you have time can you suggest a combo of pieces/brands including dac that would make up a complete set up for computer source plug and play in this category/price range, any guidance would be appreciated, thanks
Lumin U1 mini streamer ($2K new) + a DAC of your choice should exceed the sound quality of your cdp.  I enjoyed my time with a Luxman DA06 DAC ($2.3K used), but there are many others in that price range that should work for you.
A high-performance DAC at around 2.5k new (i.e. less used) & a good streamer (see above) will do teh job. Indeed, your CDs will sound better as well! Use the Oppo as a transport.
Here is a thought.  Use the 105 to play burned CDs to a HD, using the Network function of the 105.  Presumably you are very happy with its sound, since all that you are seeking is to “equal” it.  All you then need do is invest in a hard drive and a CD ripper.  If you want to start playing with Internet Radio and streaming services, the Oppo doesn’t have that capability, but if your goal is primarily listen to your CDs, you don’t need to add a new component 
Over the passed 10 years I owned EMM Labs , Esoteric and C.E.C. 5-10,000 $ spinners ,
A ripped Cd using a good quality server convinced me to stop using transports all together . A streaming demonstration and local storage took a lot of $$$ IE J-Cat streamer,  switch package ect to equal sound quality of local storage.

Of course there are the die hard users of players and transports that will hang on to their beloved component.