How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present

Sometimes when I dream, imagining of replacing my current 1997 Burmester 961 speakers, before maybe COVID19 is sending me to an early grave - I'm practically only stumbling on ugly often even like somehow crippled looking speaker creations.
Test will say, sounding fantastically gorgeous and - looking like 💩. 
This, or par tout looking like some or other children's coffin ⚰. 😥👻

Not for the life of it, can I imagine ever having some such 'creation' invading my daily living space. Ever.

Talking 'bout a BAD WAF situation, I say.

Some makers are trying to improve on this tragic situation with creations looking far too anatomical or something alien👾 fruit thing hanging off a tree... handle an' all. 

Is there no hope out there at all...? 🤔

So can one savely move on forgetting about a replacement, still in this here life, and saving the money 💰 ?

Well, the budget <= max 20k $ lets say, so I won't risk starving before the lockdown will end ever. 😱 

😘 M. 🇿🇦 
My Ohms are the only speakers my wife does not complain about if I put them in her sunroom. 
I have a small pair of Vanatoo Transparent One Encore active speakers in there now but she does not care for wires showing. 
Your husband, or boyfriend, has loads of patience.  You’ve got too many requirements for your speakers... 7”-8” Driver, 6” to 8” off the floor, side firing woofer as long as it’s light to medium grey, ribbon tweeters or diamond dome tweeters, looks good but no exotic wood finishes or automotive finishes, 45”-46.25” in height, no wider than 9” but no narrower than 10”...  You get the point.  

I actually started a tongue in check thread about something similar with regards to an integrated amp built between 2004-2006 with serial numbers between 100046 and 10058 with a volume knob on the left because I have an unruly parrot that likes loud disco music and will turn up the volume knob and blow my speakers...

You’re an awfully complicated Gal (like most 😋) You ought to keep the Burmesters and buy your significant other a steak dinner (Filet mignon + a pint of his favorite brew) and let him know how much you appreciate him 😂😘🌺

In all seriousness, I think we’ve just been played boys... 

Nice-looking speakers=triumph of style over substance.

Ugly speakers just sound better.

Your post has quite humorously brought to my attention I’m listening to a pair of faceted child coffins with attributes that have been rehashed in one form or another by many other designs.

I can’t wait to inform our next new visitors that they were inspired by a casket builder. Funny!