What is up with Audio Research during the pandemic?

I ordered a set of tubes for my ARC Ref 3 line stage on May 4, 2020. So far, no tubes, no tracking number, and no contact initiated by ARC. I did get an email response last week from them saying that they were "... working on getting caught up in the shipping department and have not yet shipped your tubes." This post is not to hassle ARC in the midst of a crisis. My hope is that all there are safe and well. Many "non-essential" businesses are struggling and frankly, I want to do all I can to support them. Music has been a wonderful source of comfort and enjoyment for me, now more than ever. I can wait, but I would feel better if I knew that the ARC folks were doing OK.  
Egocentrism is another pandemic spreading rampantly everywhere these days.
Your local ARC dealer is probably in touch - thanks for posting about tubes - gives me energy to reach out and buy my local ARC guy lunch !!!!

China is a top manufacturer of  vacuum tubes.  Also Russia and some Eastern European Countries.   Pandemic and trade wars could have an effect on prices and availability.  

Others might be able to provide more info on the topic.
Based on what other people have written across his forearm, there's a significant delay in most businesses with close quarters Warehouse or manufacturing layouts.
As a small manufacturer I can tell you that this industry is challenging enough in good times. No company is an island and we all rely on vendors. Sometimes it's small parts other times it can be raw materials. Many of these vendors have vendors. I know that some of our vendors are running short staff. Supply chain management, no matter how small a company, is a big part of manufacturing. This pandemic has disrupted our usual flow in many unforeseen ways.

ARC is a great company with lots of depth. No doubt they are readjusting to the new challenges we all now face. They may be facing shipping delays for their tubes. Customer service is one of the reasons they have been successful. Be patient, they are doing their best. You will get them.

Miller, I have lost two family members and have had several family and friends sickened by Covid 19. I am very happy for you to be able to reduce lives to numbers. Your compassion for human life is, well ......