When buying from a manufacturer, you may have a greater risk of not being able to repair if the shop closes. The key in that is "may." How many large manufacturers support their gear for many years? Some do, some don't, and one never knows when a firm -- small or large -- might close or change management.
Regarding DAC's products, I've not heard them. That is how I'd judge. That, and, after reading some of the designer's comments on AudioCircle, I was impressed at how based he is in the factual world, not the audiophile world of magic cables and quantum effects; and at the same time, people rave about the sound of his amps. (Well, there's someone to rave about anything, but better that than complaints!)
His amps are "alternative versions" of those made by another manufacturer in the same sense that an Audio by Van Alstine amp is an "alternative version" of a Bryston or Classe. Same basic technology, but different implementations.