Why no Virtual System pics??

I’m surprised that not more people have pictures off their set-ups... there are very few contributors, some regular contributors, some long time members, with zero pictures of their systems..
Why do you think that is?  Are they worried that someone is going to steal their stereo because they see pictures of it?  Or are people ashamed of their systems?  
I don’t get it.  It’s much easier to understand where someone is coming from when you see their setup!

post some pictures people!!!  Sheesh

It’s like showing up to the basket ball court with no ball.  Going to the ski slopes, sittin in the lodge, talking about how awesome the powder is with no ski’s.  
Honestly, I don't think my systems look all that great.  They are all in compromised listening spaces, but I enjoy how they sound.  That, and I'm a photographer, so I would be really anal about it, and when I look at the time it would take to take photos, process them to my standard, and list everything in all four systems... there are other things I'd rather be doing.

I do appreciate guys like @mikelavigne who has an amazing system taking the time to document what they have done.  
@dekay , lol, you’re only half way there buddy!  You really should fill the holes in the brick with lead too.  
If having no system photos de-legitimizes forum contributions in the view of some readers, then those readers are missing out (and being rather shallow).

i don't see that being the case. well founded ideas stand on their own. 

OTOH if you have really strong or 'out there' statements or claims then readers will want to understand where you are coming from. and a system page can help with that. but it's not that important. time on the site and posting history has equal or more weight to a system page with pictures in my mind. there is a degree of earning your credibility involved.

signal to noise ratio if you will.
@millercarbon those tube boxes contain tubes, those are all my various backups plus tubes from past gear I'm not using.
@mikelavigne Agreed system page traffic is not what it once was, I think the problem there is Audiogon separated Virtual Systems and the Forums to some extent. I used to see updates on systems in the forum that would lead me to systems. And yes the forums have devolved a bit but there are still pockets of enlightenment.

One of the very few positives of the Covid pandemic is folks being home and spending time taking pics and posting systems. I find myself checking in a lot more lately and leaving comments, it's always nice to get some comments if you're taking the time to show your system.