Do you like your speakers aimed directly at each ear or....

slightly off (outside) of each ear?
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The last three speakers I have used sounded best about 6 to 7 feet apart three feet out from their back wall and parallel to the side walls. 14X26 room. 
Chris and the others have great input no two systems will be the same so play around and listen. Costs nothing!

@jbmac75  My local dealer friend showed me this a few months back.  An inch or two you could hear the speakers (sound) lock in.  Funny but you could actually hear the sound change with a few inches of movement.  I think Audio Physics has something on speaker placement on their website that shows you how to get the placement correct.  Happy Listening.
So here is an interesting question.  Why hasn't anyone made a speaker stand that swivels to the right angle when you need to? At home with friends you don't need to necessarily dial in for optimum sound performance..its a little social background noise, bit pleasant and noticeable. Bit when its time for serious and personal listening time,  you dial them back in to the perfect vector?