Covering a TV behind your speakers?

I just read on another site a guy asking what difference it would make covering his TV while playing music. His picture shows a decent system but it must be in the basement. It can't be more than 12' wide. No sound treatments to be seen. I'm going through a divorce and will have to move to a much smaller one person house. I've been lucky for 30 years having my expossed basement listening room, 20' x 24', naturally almost perfect as far as sound goes.  I have been reading here and other sites trying to learn about treatments. Never heard the TV thing before. A few people responded to the guy's post that they hang drapes over the TV. I would think since current TV screens are not glass but whatever they are made of now they wouldn't cause a problem. Looking forward hearing from the experts here.

I too, have found benefits to putting a highly textured throw over my TV for serious listening. Free to try...
I also refuse to have a screen between my speakers.  I do use GIK diffusers and have 4 of them behind and between the speakers. Sound stage is incredible.

Occasionally I do watch TV off to the side as a visual background to music. 

Ideally I would like to have the screen between the speakers. 
I would do it if they made a screen with convex curvature.   
I use a heavy  Canadian Hudson Blanket over my 50 inch TV which is at a 90% degree angle to my  speaker and that makes a difference .
Also the stripes on it is easy on the eye.
I do it because  , living in a 850 sq ft one bedroom condo, I have no choice .
Typically improves depth of soundstage and if your speakers are 4ft from the back wall or closer,  hanging a drape on the entire wall helps.  Look hokey.  WAF could be a big problem 
For real sound deadening, I made a screen out of three large terrycloth towels and a 1X2 wood frame. All black, and it fits the tv perfectly. It hangs from 2 brackets on the top. Most people don’t even recognize that the tv is covered. For music-only there is quite an improvement in spaciousness, clarity and imaging.
Some testing that I remember reading about said that terrycloth towels were better than commercial products for sound absorption. Try this. Hold up three bath towels and speak to someone. Great attenuation.