Covering a TV behind your speakers?

I just read on another site a guy asking what difference it would make covering his TV while playing music. His picture shows a decent system but it must be in the basement. It can't be more than 12' wide. No sound treatments to be seen. I'm going through a divorce and will have to move to a much smaller one person house. I've been lucky for 30 years having my expossed basement listening room, 20' x 24', naturally almost perfect as far as sound goes.  I have been reading here and other sites trying to learn about treatments. Never heard the TV thing before. A few people responded to the guy's post that they hang drapes over the TV. I would think since current TV screens are not glass but whatever they are made of now they wouldn't cause a problem. Looking forward hearing from the experts here.

I use a heavy  Canadian Hudson Blanket over my 50 inch TV which is at a 90% degree angle to my  speaker and that makes a difference .
Also the stripes on it is easy on the eye.
I do it because  , living in a 850 sq ft one bedroom condo, I have no choice .
Typically improves depth of soundstage and if your speakers are 4ft from the back wall or closer,  hanging a drape on the entire wall helps.  Look hokey.  WAF could be a big problem 
For real sound deadening, I made a screen out of three large terrycloth towels and a 1X2 wood frame. All black, and it fits the tv perfectly. It hangs from 2 brackets on the top. Most people don’t even recognize that the tv is covered. For music-only there is quite an improvement in spaciousness, clarity and imaging.
Some testing that I remember reading about said that terrycloth towels were better than commercial products for sound absorption. Try this. Hold up three bath towels and speak to someone. Great attenuation.
Isn't it better to use diffusion in front of your TV instead of absorption?
I have a TV between my speakers. I've been using a blanket over it when I listen however I'm questioning that method lately.

As you can see from my Virtual System, my TV is further back on my rack so it's closer to the wall. I was thinking of putting some sort of diffusive panel in front of it when I listen. 


Isn't it better to use diffusion in front of your TV instead of absorption?
I have a TV between my speakers. I've been using a blanket over it when I listen however I'm questioning that method lately.

I suggested the same in an earlier post, and would tend to agree. But, it may also be up to your room and speakers. That said, it is wrong to assume absorption first, or only.

in my case, as I said, I will not put a TV  or any other equipment between my speakers, and for me, diffusion worked better than absorption for the overall soundstage improvement.