What to replace an Adcom amp with?

I have an Adcom 5503 that is probably in need of repair or refurbishment.  There is a buzz coming through my left and right channels (not my center) that I have traced back to the 5503 and it is starting to get very hot even while listening at low to moderate levels.  The 5503 powers my front three channels and a 555 II powers my two rear channels.  My speakers are four KEF Reference 201, a 202C as my center channel and a sub.  I have been extremely happy with my two Adcom amps and really enjoy the listening experience.  I listen to music and watch movies on this system.  I listen to a lot of 5.1 music on SACD, DVD-A, and Blu-Ray Audio.  I've thought about just getting a new 5 channel Adcom or find a used 5503 but before I did, I thought I would ask some advice from this forum.  Any thoughts on what amp would be most "Adcom-like" or would give me an improvement in the listening experience?  The KEFs are a little bright so I definitely don't want to get something that would accentuate that.  Again, I would really be interested in everyone's opinion.  Stick with Adcom or change to a different brand altogether?  As far as budget, I would like to keep it at $2-3K if possible and I am not afraid of used equipment at all.  Thanks in advance.  Dave
A sunfire, or McCormack would be a huge improvement!

 Ebay has a load of Sunfire amps!, most are good.
if not hit the only sunfire official refurb mna.


sent,in my sunfire,600:Sig, said no black or brown on anything, so the amp was pristine!
 Drove to www.soundsclassic.com.  In Rockford.
new screws, bolted transformer flawless, and put a 1.5 inch rubber pad on top of transformer just under top cover!

   Was a b stock unit, now it’s an A stocky unit!!!

 Flannery replaces all important caps, led light, and anything which is important! I swear by him, he is the only sunfire official supporter!
  My sunfirem600 is good for another 15 years!

 Great amp!  Questions.....?
call bill!

he is a genius
I’d look into McCormack, Conrad Johnson, Classe, Bryston.  
Start another thread asking which models people suggest and prefer.

Possibly stick to what you are doing and get a great 2 channel amp for your right and left speakers.  Great idea there 👍

I liked the Classe CA-200 that I had quite a bit.  The Bryston 4b st was another solid, ballsy amp.  
McCormack and Conrad Johnson are 2 that I’ve wanted to try for awhile now...

Odyssey might be another one worth looking into!
McCormack, Bryston, Classe and Odyssey are not good matches for him because he is coming from Adcom and does NOT want a high resolution amp for his bright sounding KEF speakers.

Conrad Johnson and Rogue are good choices, but only 2 channel.  He's looking for a 3-5 channel amp.

I would look at a 3-channel Parasound A31 because they are voiced just slightly on the warm side of neutral.  There's a used one for sale on audiogon for $2395.  You can get a brand new 5-channel Parasound A52+ for $2995 if you want to replace both Adcom amps.  The A52+ pushes 180 watts per channel, but does not have quite as much power per channel as the A31.  You may not need it.

If you want to really keep the cost down, maybe a 5-channel Marantz MM7055 for $1200 or MM8077 for $2400.  Both of these are available on ebay for much less  They are voiced warm with rolled off highs, but very nice.

Sunfire is a mixed bag.  I know a lot of people liked them.  I had the 5-channel back in the day and ended up selling it.  It was a powerhouse, but it just did not sound as engaging (maybe a little boring or sterile in some ways).  Anyways, that's my own personal opinion.

You can always go for the Adcom GFA-5705 beast, but I don't know how good the current Adcom models are.
I have a home entertainment system, surround sound, projection theatre screen. IMy ADCOM GTP-750 has developed issues (display and ?). I assume parts may make repair a difficult matter?  What would be a good 6-7 channel, Surround Sounds preamp?