Turn a 105 into a giant killer
It is common knowledge that the Oppo 105s Achilles Heel is the power supply (less recognized is the IEC and jumper for 120/220, as well). I found aftermarket PNP modules on Ebay as well as the EIC jumper. I bought an expensive EIC/jumper kit first, and was shocked at the sonic improvement. Once inside, I could see how easy it is to replace the OEM PS
For ~ $400 a 105 can be very competitive with many hi-end cd players/transports that plays most all current media
105s can be found used for ~$750, so...
It is common knowledge that the Oppo 105s Achilles Heel is the power supply (less recognized is the IEC and jumper for 120/220, as well). I found aftermarket PNP modules on Ebay as well as the EIC jumper. I bought an expensive EIC/jumper kit first, and was shocked at the sonic improvement. Once inside, I could see how easy it is to replace the OEM PS
For ~ $400 a 105 can be very competitive with many hi-end cd players/transports that plays most all current media
105s can be found used for ~$750, so...