How Do You Live The Audiophile Life

I don’t really have the credentials to be on Audiogon. Kef Q150s and new NAD equipment that replaced my stalwart Arcam Solo. Maybe I can peek over the fence.
So I’ve have a question about the new equipment. I’m browsing the forums, looking for an answer. I know as much as about audio as anyone who isn’t an audiophile. But I was astonished at the number of brands I’d never heard of. And I know the price of the stuff I have heard of.
I’m in NYC. Maybe there’s five high-end dealers here. I’m guessing that number drops off quickly once you cross the Hudson.
This is a long winded way to ask how you live the audiophile life? How do you get access to this stuff? I’d want to hear something before dropping a car-like sum on it. Do you buy blind? Do you travel? Go to the industry shows? Help me, teach me, inform me.
I guess this question applies to speakers as well. Maybe more so. But I was in the amplifier section so . . .
Commented on lather audiophile th8ngy!

 If you like it, if it sounds great, that’s it, enjoy, and your an audiophile (if u think you are)

 am I one, no, I don’t think so, I just love music!
Here is my two cents based on my experience. First of all identify kind of music you love. Jazz & Classical, or Rock & Pop or Rap & Country, etc. I assume you have your favorite music on CDs.

Select the 4 or 5 CDs. You may want to focus on voices Male & female, certain instruments electric guitar, acoustic guitar, double bass, kick drum, etc. Then take these CDs to nearest hi fi audio stores. You are in NY and there are a plenty of these.

Play these CDs on a number of systems focus on things such as how letter "s" and "t" sounds, is there enough bass or whether bass is boomy or soft. Pay attention to imaging from left to right and front to back. See if the soundstage goes outside of the speakers depending on how your CDs are recorded.

Some of us have CDs that specifically emphasize certain aspects of music. If you want to know if the system has good bass, then you should have a CD ex: One Night in Vienna. When you play this track, you should hear good solid bass right in the middle of the speakers with piano back in the soundstage.

Pay attention to the high frequency reproduction. Crashing symbols should not be ear-piercing. When system sound bright, listening fatigue will set very soon. Main idea is to listen to music all day long without any hiccups.

First thing is to identify the speakers you think fit your taste. KEF Q150 is a book shelf speaker. You may want to decide if you like floor standing speakers. With Uni-Q drives, I know KEF speakers can perform at a very high-level granted you are not dying to hear below 51 Hz. Your room play a big role in accurate reproduction of bass. If you think you can live with Q150, then see if you can find an amp to drive these. I think there are good tube amplifiers as well as SS that can bring magic out of these speakers without having to take a second mortgage.Hope this helps.
I can't believe how many respondents fell for this "Pauly Folly".
You've been played!! 
Well done 6001!

1st thing you need to do is bring out GIK or ASC (or someone similar) to your house to treat your room. If you have a terrible sounding room, no amount of money spent on quality gear will overcome a sh$tty sounding room.

Go out and listen to friends, dealers, or at shows gear to determine what kind of sound you like. Do you like tubes? Solid state? Mix of tube pre and solid state amp? Do you like smaller monitors or the bigger floorstanding speakers? You going to listen loud? Soft? Near field? Once you get a taste of what you like, then you can start narrowing it down to specific pieces of equipment.
Also, don’t evaluate any equipment for a final decision is a dealers showroom, bring it home into your room and your system to hear how it sounds.
Contact me. I am in Northern New Jersey and I manufacturer DACs, phono stages, preamps and amps. I can demonstrate what things sound like to help educate you. These ae reference component. I also have a few good dealers that can help you if you are serious. Maybe even take a ride to Fremmers.

Happy Listening,.