Before 'others' misuse this incident, let me clarify one thing: TRL has one fo the best packagings for shipping I have seen. I am sure it is FedEX's (very) rough handling that causes the damage. Looking down form the top, the player was first wrapped in long saran sheets horizontally and vertically in a top and under fashion. After that, looking down from the top again, followed a long sheet of bubble wrap wrapping vertically in a top and under fasion in multiple layers. Because the bubble sheet is about 5/8 of the player width, there is another layer bubble sheet wrapped around the player, then multiple layer bubble wrapping horizontally. Therefore, looking from the top, the multi-layer bubble sheets formed a cross-like wrapping. Since Paul packed serveral goodies inside the box, the player is snuggedly fitted inside the case. Since the damaged is done at the front left-side edge, I suspected it is a strong impact at the edge of the box to cause the smooth curvature of damaged.
Does anyone know of any FREE public sharing web store, so that I can upload pictures for Paul to review?