TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Before 'others' misuse this incident, let me clarify one thing: TRL has one fo the best packagings for shipping I have seen. I am sure it is FedEX's (very) rough handling that causes the damage. Looking down form the top, the player was first wrapped in long saran sheets horizontally and vertically in a top and under fashion. After that, looking down from the top again, followed a long sheet of bubble wrap wrapping vertically in a top and under fasion in multiple layers. Because the bubble sheet is about 5/8 of the player width, there is another layer bubble sheet wrapped around the player, then multiple layer bubble wrapping horizontally. Therefore, looking from the top, the multi-layer bubble sheets formed a cross-like wrapping. Since Paul packed serveral goodies inside the box, the player is snuggedly fitted inside the case. Since the damaged is done at the front left-side edge, I suspected it is a strong impact at the edge of the box to cause the smooth curvature of damaged.

Does anyone know of any FREE public sharing web store, so that I can upload pictures for Paul to review?


Hi Howard,

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. As for a free public sharing web store for uploading pix, your best bet maybe your local library or College. If you know someone there they can do the upload. There are some internet cafe's around so a google search might give some good results.

Good luck with fedex. You should not have any issues with your claim. In my case my crated speakers had a hole on the side and the only damage was the surface skin cracked. The speaker is a poly-resin and kevlar body that will not break. This was fortunate since a more fragile speaker might have had more damage.
Howard: I pray for the best on your vacation. (No lost or damaged luggage, etc). And for a speedy claim with Fed Upped. I think that Yahoo allows free photo uploads with their free yahoo e-mail accounts. Might be worth looking into?

Deb: The Marantz does not do video. I like the looks of both players ... the SA-14 just fit closer to my needs for the audio system, that's all.

I’ve read this thread in its entirety and was happy to see some information on the Marantz SA14, the CDP that I’ve own for two to three years. When I made the decision to purchase my SA14, there was very little information pertaining to the unit on Audiogon, AA or any magazine reviews to my knowledge. The dealer where I brought the player did not even stock the unit because of its price and the lack of interest in a 2-channel only SACD player. I need to state that my Marantz really did not perform unit I flipped the filter switch on the back of the unit. This adjustment made the player come to life and don’t see how anyone could own this unit in stock form and not turn the filter off. This simple adjustment is seldom if ever mentioned by anyone.

The upgrade bug has bit me again and I was reading some discussion posts on some DAC’s and digital front ends. I have little if any opportunity to make comparisons of equipment since I reside in a rather rural location and must make my purchasing decisions based on reviews and posts here on Audiogon. With the SA14 in stock form, most Redbook CD’s are listenable with ones that are recorded well, can sound magnificent. To me, well recorded CD’s are maybe one of four with recently release CD’s sounding better and better. Most SACD’s sound very good but I believe because of the outstanding Redbook performance of the SA14, SACD’s are not leaps and bounds ahead of the best Redbook CD’s.

Last year I got back into vinyl and refurbished a Lenco turntable with new plinth, Rega Arm and Dynavector cartridge. What I’ve discovered is that most LP’s sound good with maybe 25% sound exceptional, almost the same rule as with CD’s. I know that there are much better vinyl rigs available, but with the lack of new current releases on LP’s I find if difficult to invest in more that my Lenco. I’ve come to the conclusion that a good sounding LP does sound better in some way that a good CD. I also feel that an average sounding LP does sound better than an average sounding CD. It’s obvious that the source of LP’s is relative to the amount of available to previously owned LP’s and lack of current music.

I read some posts on modified Denon DVD players. The information sounded promising but I was put off by the final cost of the player. I’ve done some research on outboard DAC’s which was the way I was leaning until I read this thread. I’m hoping that someone who’s owned a DAC such as the Audiomeca, Electrocompaniet, Levinson, Benchmark, etc. can give me their opinion on how a TRL modded SA14 player compares with one of the DAC’s I just listed or a DAC of that caliber. I’m hoping the get my average sounding CD’s to sound close to magnificent if possible. I’m already happy with the way the goods ones sound. Already owning a SA14 and the $550 cost almost seems like a no brainer compared to the cost of a new DAC. Also, it would be interesting to hear from anyone who has compared the TRL SA14 to a modified Denon universal DVD player like the 3910.

Hi Islandflyfisher,

What you are asking for if anyone compared their TRL SA14 with one of the DAC listed may be rare indeed. Your best bet is to re-read the thread again. There is no doubt in several minds on this thread that the $550 cost will transform your player to a very high level. I have heard the Benchmark but in a foreign system. I did hear an a-b comparison with and without, and I barely heard the improvement.

There are just too many who have experienced the change in their system compared to what they had before and if you are thinking that this is a high risk decision, don't worry its not since the mod has a full refund.

As for the TRL SA-14 comparison to the Denon 3910 mod player, its more a matter of money in your case. Unless its important to you that you have the 'best' modded player. You might want to check with APL or RAM since TRL does not mod the 3910 which is ultimately the only way you will know for sure.

Good luck