Upgrade help: Luxman and McIntosh.

This is my first here although I have been reading this forum for several years and and immensely thankful for several knowledgeable posters.

Current system is Bluesound Node 2i >> Schiit Bifrost2 >> Arcam A75 Plus >> Totem Sttaf. 

Musical interests are Jazz, Blues, Classical and Vocals(mostly female) and listen at low to moderate volume.

I have had Arcam/Totem combination for over fifteen years and have been happy but recently caught the upgrade bug, not because my system is unsatisfactory but rather because of the thought that I might be missing something.

After some research I have narrowed my selection to  Luxman L-507uxii with Spendor D7.2 or McIntosh MA352 with Dynaudio Contour 30i.

I think I can live with either of the speakers although I am leaning more towards the Spendors.

I would appreciate any comments/advice from someone who has listened to the specific models or experiance with products from both companies.

Thanks in advance.

I can't tell you how happy I have been listening to my own 507ux. 

It is extended in the bass and treble, and has a sweet liquid midrange.  Also, the tone controls, including loudness work very well.

My experience with Dynaudio is they tend to make speakers for different listening levels/styles, so when picking, make sure you evaluate it at the level you actually will listen at.
@erik_squires  thanks for letting me know about Dynaudios and volume. I will look into that. I did  read your thread where you detailed your acquisition of the 507.
The mid and high range Dynaudios typically require mote power to sound alive. The new Contours are really nice and lush sounding. I had Dynaudio Focus with MC252, but I’d get the Luxman given the choice. It should be a fine pairing.
Yep..Dyn's need to be played at higher volumes than most other speakers to get the best out of them. If you listen at lower to moderate levels forget about ALL Dyn Speakers. Just the nature of the beast...sold my Contour 30 a couple of months ago for that reason.
I have 2 dealers about twenty minutes apart. One sells Mac & Dynaudio ant the other Luxman & Spendor. The Luxman Spendor combo is livelier w/a a detailed bottom and a excellent top. The Mac combo just too warm and laid back for me.