Who’s been tinkering while trapped?

Have you been using any of your forced isolation time over the last few months to tinker with your HiFi gear between Zoom meetings and reruns on TV?  If so, what have you done, what have you learned, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked?  
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Yes, I really enjoyed making a couple of serious upgrades over these past few months.  Not "tinkering", but serious upgrades.  First, I sold my previous turntable and then bought a new Rega Planar 10 and a Lyra Delos.  Wow, was that a serious improvement over what I had.  I now am hearing musical information that I never had before.  And all along I had thought that I knew my vinyl collection very well.  There indeed was more to be revealed in those grooves.  Next, I thought that I had a good foundation for my turntable and phono stage but knew there was more to gain through some upgrades.  After doing some research I landed on purchasing the Symposium Acoustics, Segue ISO with Rollerblock Jr + (the + denotes an upgrade to the tungsten/carbide balls) and also the Segue with Rollerblock Jr + for my phono stage.  The sonic and SQ improvement was astonishing.  Overall impact and definition of bass was greatly improved.  And instrumentation of strings and piano was far more individual and delineated, as if before there had been some sort of "rounding" of the note.  Full retail for these two sets is $1,100 but I did manage to secure a respectable discount and saved about $180.  In all of my audio upgrades and new components over the years I have never experienced such a grand return on investment.  Though I had spent a small fortune on the turntable and phono cartridge, a small additional amount of money spent on the isolation/vibration drainage system from Symposium Acoustics yielded a great amount of improvement.  

This virus has been devastating to so many and to so much, Nationally and globally.  I sort of feel guilty about spending money and enjoying my time while so much suffering is out there.  To all, please enjoy the music and let's be grateful for what we have.  Wishing the best of health and safety to everyone.
Yep..but not successfully.  Wifey was on a girls weekend so I decided it was a good time to upgrade the quality and shorten the run of my speaker cables by hiding them in the baseboard of my living room.  My speakers have to be on the other side of the room from my equipment rack.  Everything was going great till I hit a water line / manifold that was poorly installed in my 1967 vintage home.  Line was pinched up against the paneling and not round anymore. No where near center of wall.  Took me five minutes to turn the water off. Flooded the frickin living room, hallway and guest room.  Plumbing bill around $800.  Carpets in hall and guest room are dried but a bit smelly for now.  Parquet floors in living room buckled but starting to shrink back to normal.  Wifey not impressed.  Worst part....cables didn't get changed!  On to plan "B"!