Cleaning power with tweaks.

Im looking into how to clean up power on my circuit for my audio setup. This room is used for multi-purposes. The AC outlet is an Audioquest NRG Edison. I have my receiver, theater pc, dac, phone preamp hooked up into a Shinyata Hydra 6 power conditioner.  A Wireless router, modem, hue light hub, satellite, xbox, tape deck, turntable, projector, etc into a Monster MP HTS 5000 MKII Reference PowerCenter conditioner. All power cords have been upgraded. Everything is crammed together. also due to space. In the other room on the same circuit is an OLED tv, satellite. Sometimes I run an EOP (ethernet over power), but unplug it when listening to music. Now.. Im not sure if this is enough to keep this power clean and filtered. Are there any suggestion to tweak power this up???.. I'm thinking something like an ISOTEK EVO3 ISOPLU, maybe even a few of them, but don't have too much experience with filters.
Try a daisy chain of Richard Gray power cubes. Add them as you can.
Seems to me you’re in the dome of noise. Try anything that will lower the noise. It all does something but you may not know how much because a worse sounding connection is covering up. So when you solve the mother problem, the little ones will follow along.
I like to remind myself that my end goal in this is to hear the music as clearly as possible via whatever equipment I have. Science shows us that almost any gear will transmit a signal to a speaker with incredible accuracy. What happens along the way is simply added noise. You really need a dedicated line for at least part of your system.
Clean all wall outlets in the house, including those used for appliances, lamps, TV, fridge, etc. 
Science shows us that almost any gear will transmit a signal to a speaker with incredible accuracy. What happens along the way is simply added noise.
It is my experience after my very simple experiments....

All gear that are only good could be suddenly amazingly good if someone gives a try to controls the electrical, mechanical, and acoustical embeddings.....

First, do you have your Hydra 6 supported and decoupled like a standard component? Since you already use Shunyata, look for a used Hydra 8 or better. Daisy chain the 6 into that. I’ve done it and recommend it.
slaw: Not sure what you mean by supported and decoupled.  It goes into an audioquest nrg edison outlet (which made a significant change). And the other PowerCenter conditioner goes into the same outlet. And its ok to plug  a power conditioner into another conditioner? 

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