Looking to upgrade McIntosh system, needing advice!

So I've got the upgrade itch again but I'm not sure where to go from here based on my current system. To kick things off, here is my current system:

McIntosh MT10 turnable 
C2500 Pre-amp (McIntosh)
Mc452 Amp (McIntosh)
Focal Sopra n2 speakers. 
Cambridge Cxnv2 DAC
And yes, I've acoustically treated the room. 

It sounds great but I'm just wanting to see what would be the next best step to making a dramatic increase in quality. 
For a minute there I was stuck on adding a MP1100 Phono stage but I spoke with McIntosh customer service the other day and the guy basically talked me out of it. He said unless I was hooking up 3 turntables and needed that feature, I would only see a slight increase in sound quality. Does that sound right to everyone here? 

I had thought about getting the MEN220 Room Correction... I'm just hesitant to add that 'kink in the chain' to an otherwise mostly analog system. 

I'm open to other suggestions as well (maybe changing to a higher grade cartridge?). Let me know your thoughts! 
wbhendrix, room correction can be a wonderful thing. If you want to do it get the Trinnov unit. It is the best available. You can improve your bass and dynamic capability by going to an amp w/o transformers that run at least partially in class A. The new JC 1+ would be perfect.
I recently added 2 JL Audio E112 subs.  They were very easy to integrate and it is amazing the difference they made to the treble, mids and sound field.  Also, you should really consider power, speaker, and interconnect cables as equal to a component expense.  If what you are using isn't up to your system you should start there.  Also power conditioning made a big difference for me.  
So I am using Pangea power cables for all my components and subs (See Audio Advisors. com).  Audioquest Wind interconnects and Comet speaker cables.  And a Furman Elite 20 pf power conditioner (which can add a 45amp boost when needed).  My system: McIntosh C49, MC352 with XR100 speakers.
Dear @wbhendrix : Which your budget?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I was at a audio show a little while ago.  The gear that I liked was the Dartzeel and Lamm.