Anyone under 30?

Lots of cool people, not a lot my age. I hope I am not the only one bringing up the rear.
unfortunatly people now days think music is played through a 2" speaker on a pc with a cd-rom drive.. or music is the stuff that comes out of a little portable cd plastic box.. or music is that boom-boom thunder rattling someone's car trunk. If those under thirty could make their way to a symphony hall to hear real instruments unamplified played in a real space, (or jazz or bluegrass or blues, etc.) they might develop an interest in hearing music reproduced accurately and seek out the apparati for that purpose.
All audio-heads are welcome here! You are never too young to start and never too old to upgrade. I purchased my first system in 1977 and have never found a cure for upgrade-itis. Once you are hooked, you are in for keeps!
Good Listening.
Heh, I got my first birthday cake in 1977. I'm sure that there are a lot of other young people around lurking. Speaking for myself, I tend to see myself as underexperienced to chime in on most threads. Also, I haven't been able to accumulate the wealth necessary to seriously listen to most of the stuff discussed on here. Twenty grand worth of stereo equipment would be a significant percentage of my *lifetime* earnings.
I have been appreciating live orchestral since I was 15 or so. That was 11 years ago, so I guess I'm under that magic number, though not for too much longer. Xiekitchen makes a good point. Another problem is money. I bought my first system, mostly used, for about $2800 all told, and that was pretty tough on me budgetwise. That's because I was 23 and hadn't made too many dimes in the world yet. I think for most people it takes a few years to make enough money to have the ridiculous notion that it's OK to spend this kind of money on audio gear.