Lumin or Aurender

I have about 4k for a new streamer. I was looking into Lumin and Aurender. I need a streamer with an Integrated DAC. 
Also looking at NAD M10. Which of these is best in terms of performance, reliability, value ? I watched a YouTube review by Michael Borzenkov, a well regarded Russian audio reviewer, who claimed he couldn't tell a difference between vinyl and A100.  Currently running Blusound node 2 into Mac c2600 dac. Thoughts?
Easy. Innous Zen mk3 with Roon+ Matrix dac. Will cost you a grand more but well worth it. Future proof. Best part of Roon is the inbuilt digital eq. possibilities. No need for a pre with the Matrix. The Zen will also rip and store your cd's. Have a look at it.
What's wrong with your Bluesound Node 2i?

I will bet if you do a blind test and compare all three, you might not be able to detect much of a difference.  I would be curious if the dealer told you, you were listening to either the Lumin or Aurender but were in fact listening to the Bluesound Node 2i, what you might say?  I could be wrong because I was not able to hear either the Lumen or Aurender when I purchased my Bluesound Node 2i.  One thing I like about the Bluesound is to be able to listen to the complete unfold of MQA.  Can't understand why I can hear the difference when playing MQA?  Wish I knew more about this.  I certainly do not understand the attraction for vinyl when you can stream hi-res on a streamer and not have to get out of your chair.
I have a Bluesound Node 2i in one system. I also have an Aurender N100H and an Auralic Aries G2 in other systems.  For fun, I compared them directly in the same system using the same cables.  While tonally they sound similar, there is a very large difference in spatial perspective and information offered with the better units.  The Aurender is significantly better than the Bluesound.  And, the Aries G2 is again better than the Aurender N100H.  As well they should be for the price differential.  For those who believe bits are bits (suggesting little difference in servers/streamers) and that there are DACs that are generally immune to jitter (as mine is supposed to be), I would say you’re really missing out.  I am now of the opinion that the server/streamer is at least as important and probably more important to sound quality than is the DAC.  
Lumin T2 and Ether Regen will guarantee enjoyment. 
And there is a possibility of an aftermarket external power supply with just a little tweaking.