Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??

I've heard the mag 1.7s and like the "openness" and other attributes.  However, the size and placement requirements are a killer for me.   I'm thinking Ohm and Spatial would be somewhat similar.  However, I can't demo them.  Any thoughts on these compared to the mags and any other "open" speakers I should consider?

Thanks all as usual!!

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I would think due to room size and placement limitations that planars and OB would be out. 

The Ohm Tall 1000's could work and they offer a generous home trial period. 

I heard Wharfdale's Diamond 10.7 several months ago and thought they decent little speakers. 

You could always go the bookshelf route too. Lots of great choices. 

Do you have a budget you're working with?

OB speakers will work in that room as long as you can get them at least 3 ft off the front wall.


The Kef R3 plus a sub or two I think would work well. What are your other components?