Ribbon Tweeters???

I am considering ordering a pair of speakers that use Ribbon Tweeters(HiVi I believe)& was wondering what you folks could tell me about what to expect to hear from them as far as tone,imaging & soundstaging etc...when compared to a good Silk Dome(Dynaudio).Thanks much,Take care...
I heard the Hi Vi ribbon tweeter on the Reimer Wind River GS speakers. That ribbon tweeter sounded smooth and silky.
I dont know the model number of the Hi Vi ribbon tweeter used on the Wind River.
Hey JohnK,thanks for checking in on this.I take it then these speakers may NOT be all the makers say they are?
Decware makes very good products at very affordable prices. I myself am looking seriously at acquiring a pair of their omni speakers.

For $895 you're getting a very efficient speaker that goes down to 42Hz, and can produce 112db SPL. Not sure what more you would expect for that kind of money.
The Hi Vi ribbon tweeters on the Lawrence audio mandolin speakers, anyone know the model number of this Hi Vi ribbon tweeter. Here's a pic http://www.lawrenceaudio.com/Eng_product_Mandolin.asp
Doug99,a little digging on the net & I find the model of that tweeter is the "RT2E-A".Side bar:OMFG!!!Those Lawrence Audio Mandolin's are FREAKING AMAZING!!!