Ribbon Tweeters???

I am considering ordering a pair of speakers that use Ribbon Tweeters(HiVi I believe)& was wondering what you folks could tell me about what to expect to hear from them as far as tone,imaging & soundstaging etc...when compared to a good Silk Dome(Dynaudio).Thanks much,Take care...
The Hi Vi ribbon tweeters on the Lawrence audio mandolin speakers, anyone know the model number of this Hi Vi ribbon tweeter. Here's a pic http://www.lawrenceaudio.com/Eng_product_Mandolin.asp
Doug99,a little digging on the net & I find the model of that tweeter is the "RT2E-A".Side bar:OMFG!!!Those Lawrence Audio Mandolin's are FREAKING AMAZING!!!
The Mandolin uses a HiVi RT2EA. This driver has a 6db peak between 5k to 10k, goes out to the heavens on the top end on axis after that. 30% off axis, it is very flat to 10K,but rolls @ 18db per octave after 10k. . This speaker will most likely need some distance between them with a 10 to 20 degree tow to sound their best Or with a properly designed notch filter, on axis would be prefered. I've not used this part, but I've used HiVi drivers, overall nice goods. Like any part how it is crossed and compensated is everything. Great Potential.
I had a Coincident model with a ribbon tweeter. Really liked it and in some ways miss the airy 3d sound they put forth. They appeared to me to cover a larger frequency range them a dome tweeter IMO
