Looking for phono preamp suggestions

My system 
sme 30/2 with Dynavector 17dx catridge, cardas clear beyond phono cable with xlr termination ,
ayre kx-r twenty preamp ,
ayre mc-r twenty monoblocks 
kef blade speakers 
cardas clear cables for rest of system .
cureently using ayre p-5 Phonostage .
asking for recommendations for upgrading the phono stage .
requirements xlr inputs and outputs.
looking for more depth and separation in sound stage and more sweetness / magic/ romance 
Thanks in advance .

Glad to hear Ron helped you out Newtoncr. He is a great guy and by the way answers his own phone and is very generous with his time. Totally down to earth, unpretentious and says he isn't an expert on everything, (but I believe he was one of the founders of Martin Logan and in the past has designed and built amps and preamps). Not a big expensive cable fan.

CLeeds - So what are the advantages of balanced inputs or outputs for a phono stage and what does it mean? At what output does it become more beneficial? Are they at the high end of the cost range? My cartridge has an output of .65, which seems kind of high for a MCC and my Sutherland Insight is not balanced (apparently - but the topic never came up), but tremendously improved the sound quality over my previous PS.

i suggest trying the new PS Audio Stellar Phono Amp. They have gone direct so you will pay approximately 50% less, and it can be returned within 30 days no questions asked. 
More importantly it is receiving rave reviews across the board from a number of the most influential and trusted audio writes out there including Michael Fremer from Stereophile. 
I would not make a Purchase based on the reviews of one reviewer, but when there are multiple reviews with similar findings, you should feel comfortable. 
Michael Fremer Uses Uber expensive DartZeel phono and powered amps and he conceded  the Stellar was comparable in the mid-range,  but not quite in the highs  and lows. Further he recommended anyone looking for a phono amp in any $$$ range should listen to it. 
Good Luck


Further to my previous response and suggestion to look at PS Audio. Attached is a link with a number of reviewers comments.


Just to be clear, I am not connected with PS Audio in any way. In my own system I am using Sutherland Duo and it is very good. However it is a nuisance to adjust for impedance and gain as the covers have to be removed and the dip switches adjusted manually. Whereas with the PS Audio it can be done with the remote that comes with it.

As for Ron, my experience in dealing with him echos the other respondent in this thread, he is a wonderful warm person. 
The PS is listed for $2499.

Skypunk got it right.  I also now use a Stellar phono pre and I was actually shocked at the improvement over my Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe, costing 4 times as much.  First, it has XLR and RCA, and the PSA designer cared less about measurements and more about listener involvement and SQ and it very much shows. Not sure how the Stellar will pair with the Ayre, but I do know that right now in the phone preamp market, it is the best value and best sounding phono preamp (at least to my ears in my system) under $10-$15K.