Don't like vinyl

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It's hard for me to imagine my system without a turntable. There are so many things that go into it. Getting the albums, cleaning them, the TT, the tone arm, the cartridge, setting all of those things up properly, upgrading, treating the room. In the end, the sound is rewarding well worth the effort. CD's are awesome for background music or in the car. Albums are for critical listening.
aewarren:  Well said!  Even when the plan is to have some background music, I am drawn to "the chair" if the TT is spinning a record.  I have pondered this often and can come up with no reasonable explanation.
Dolly Parton with a flat chest.

Leave fake tits out of this.
Never been a fan of Ms. Parton.  We drove right past Dollywood be many times.

Just have Dolly read a story to your grandkid.
Check out her Imagination Library.

You are actually are making a convoluted case for the superiority of DSD. An $800 recorder can make an indistinguishable copy of vinyl playback including its compression and added noise.
If you prefer the ritual of dropping a needle and the knowledge that you are wearing down the recording AND playback rig with each play, enjoy it while it lasts.

You want some free 78s?

Do not be so perfectionists ...... at the end of the day the music is what counts .... like a life .. !! No matter how you live it ..!!
Do not like vinyl do streaming and pretend it sounds better.Vinyl will always be king if you have a state of the art turntable (I have one).